Thursday, October 16, 2008

T-minus...when is my flight leaving again?

I am about to set off on another adventure one of which I have zero experience (schema). China is home to about 1.3 billion people, so I hope to make at least a few new friends during my eight week student teaching experience in Qingdao, China which is southeast of Beiging and directly west of North and South Korea. I hope to challenge Phelps and Bolt in both the swimming and sprinting events and set a plethora of new world records that will put my name in the history books.

I will have the unique opportunity to teach fourteen fourth grade International Students at Qingdao International Schools of China working with a well-established teacher from the States. My flight leaves today in the evening despite my family thinking it left at 4:00 a.m. which I am so thankful for that that is not the case. So if you get a chance and can spare a brief minute and/or some words (I do not want you to go over your word count for the day) then a simple word to father would be most appreciated.

I plan on learning a lot with the teachable heart that I have developed up to this point. I am anxiously excited for the big question mark that I am about to experience and learn more about. This has been about a year and a half long process of applying for the overseas student teaching program and then being accepted by the hired agency which is responsible for securing your overseas school placement. Then after a crazy and fun filled weekend at Huntington University where we learned about "How to Survive Overseas," and much much more I am finally going since my passport and visa came through over the summer and just this past Friday.

I hope to be able to update this at least once a week and would love to hear how each of you is doing and what you are up to.


Matt said...


I talked with Brittany as you requested.


Matt said...

Mark landed in Hong Kong on October 18th at 5:33 AM. They are 13 hours ahead of us

Matt said...

At 5:45pm CDT, Mark made his 1st international phone call from Hong Kong. Things are going well thus far.

Brittany Lyn said...

Your dad talked with me the other day. It truly meant a lot! It sounds like things are going very well for you and for which I am very thankful! It is currently 3:30am and I am definitely suffering from jet-lag. Guess who will be tired tomorrow??:) I think all of the nervousness is also getting to me. But, I am here and I cannot wait to see what father will show us all!:)

Miss you!